Get Good Writing #1

Welcome to the first edition of Get Good Writing.

The goal of this newsletter is simple: Teach you the psychology behind viral tweets so that you can use the same for yourself and grow an audience.

Let's go!

Tweet #1

This tweet got over 1k likes for a reason.

The easiest way to go viral is to talk about the things that your audience already knows and compare it with something they're aware they shouldn't be doing.

Take this tweet for example.

Most people know that the solution to their problems is to just get off their ass and take action. They're also *subconsciously* aware of the fact that they tend to get lost in the thinking rather than actually doing it.

This tweet hits all the points mentioned above.

✅ Talking about things the audience is already aware of

✅ Polarising it with something they know they shouldn't be doing.


Write a tweet with the above-mentioned tactics.

Some templates you can use:

Normalise doing X(unusual thing) over Y(things most people do)

Most people do X (conventional thing) instead of Y(thing you should be doing)

Tweet #2

Personal credibility is the single best way to build trust with your audience.

Take this thread-hook for example.

Dickie opens with the answer to the question most readers have in their minds:

Why should I read what this guy has written?

Dickie's answer: I've lost 100 pounds and wrote every day consistently for the past 4 years.

Does that make sense?

Always, always, ALWAYS establish credibility.

The reader goes: "Maybe this is just another thread about instant hacks that don't work."

Dickie's answer: No hacks, no shortcuts. Just monotonous daily consistency.

Reader: "Hmm, I wonder what this is about."

Answer: 3 small mindset shifts made sticking with consistency easy(despite wanting to give up hundreds of times)

Captured the attention with the first line, broke the common notion in the second line and tells the reader EXACTLY what they're going to get if they kept reading in the final part of the hook.


Write a thread hook that includes the following:

  • A moment in time opener (over the past 4 years, in 2019, In January, etc)

  • Establish credibility (I did X and got Y results)

  • Tell the reader exactly what they're going to get if they kept reading (Be as specific as you can)

And that's a wrap!

If you enjoyed this edition, reply with the response to the exercises mentioned above and also some feedback.

If there's any tweet or a hook you'd want me to break down, send it to me and I'll try and get to it as soon as I can.

Until next time.
