Should you outsource your writing to ChatGPT?

Hey anon.

So, a few days ago, I told you about how my client fired me because he didn’t like my work.

Turns out, it wasn’t my work.

It was CrapGPT.

And I’m not blaming him. The SOP’s he gave suggested actually using ChatGPT. And since I had a ton on my plate at the time, I got lousy.

So, the first output it gave me, I didn’t even take the time to give it a second look. (Hard to do that especially when you’re in an indian wedding and your relatives keep asking “what do you do?” , “when are you having kids?” “do you write for ghosts?”)

Anyway, I just told him I’m done with the work.

And a few hours later, he sent me a DM saying:

“Did you write these yourself? The quality doesn’t match the quality of your content on X..”

And then I told him how I got lousy with editing and just sent him the first draft.

The rest is history.

“We respectfully shouldn’t work together & I’ll do everything myself”

So people, what’s the lesson here?

It’s not DON’T USE AI.

You definitely should.

It’s to always, and I MEAN ALWAYS take a good look at your writing with the editing POV.

(especially if you’re doing it for a client)

Trust me, one good at look at it might have saved me from getting fired.

And I’m all about going all in on editing

If possible, don’t outsource your writing to ChatGPT (at least not most of it)

If you do, give it a HARD edit.

It’s a robot, and it’s always going to sound like it no matter the details of the prompt you use.

So, that’s enough of the rant for today.

I’ll see you guys tomorrow.

Cheers muchachos.