Read this if you don't want your writing to suck balls...

Hey anon.

When I started writing online, my writing used to suck balls.

It was so bad I still cringe when I look at those pieces of writing lol. I used to think writing is just cranking up a blank page and bleed words until you brain cells are fried.

Couldn’t be further from the truth.

After going through a ton of Tim Ferriss podcasts, I came to a realization.

Like most athletes have a warmup routine to prime their mind, most writers ALSO have a writing routine to get into optimal writing zone. Now, before you start throwing your suggestions of routines at me, let me tell you something.

What I’m about to tell you has worked for me.

Doesn’t neccessarily mean it should work for you as well. Might work, might not. It doesn’t matter. Give it a shot and see how it goes.

So, here are 4 steps you need to follow before you start writing:

Step 1: Braindump your thoughts on a piece of paper

Braindumping is therapy for your mind.

Just like therapy gives you immense clarity, braindumping does the same. See, before you start writing, your mind is already brewing with a ton of ideas & things you need to do throughout the day.

And you can’t think well when your mind is filled with junk.

So, braindumping is the first step to our writing sesh.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Crank up a blank page of a diary

  • Start a 10-minute timer

  • Dump all your thoughts on a piece of paper

Once you’re done, take 5 minutes to organize the tasks as urgent, important & categorize each of those.

Once you’re done reviewing, move on the next step.

Step 2: Read a good writing/copywriting book for 30 minutes

To be in the zone, reading is the most important of the warmup.

  • Shows you what good writing looks like

  • Shows you why good writing works

I’ve been recently reading ‘Writing tools’ to get in the nitty gritty of good writing & taken a break from copywriting books for a moment.

When you read a writing or copy book, your brain subconsciously starts spitting out good copy. You aren’t aware of it.

But it does.

And once you’re in that zone, your writing quality instantly 10x’s.

Step 3: Handcopy a sales page or a thread

Handcopying, by far, is the most effective thing I did to improve my writing skills.

Again, it takes a level further in the ‘getting in the zone’ stuff. One more thing it does is it wires or rather, STORES in your brain what good writing looks like.

You can start this habit by starting small.

Start with 15 minutes of thread writing (if you’re writing threads)

Once you get the hang of things, start with 30 minutes of sales page writing. Sales pages handcopying for most writing online since it’s designed to capture and keep the reader attention.

Once you’re done handcopying, analyze why it worked and really break it down so that you can start using it in your own writing.

Again, even here, the subconscious mind starts bleeding out good writing when you start writing your tweets, threads & newsletter.

It instantly locks in those principles that you just studied and it goes to show in your writing.

Step 4: Have a curated music playlist or use brainfm

Music PRIMES your mind into thinking that a writing session is coming up.

And its scientifically proven that instrumental (any genre) music instantly 10x’s your focus. My personal preferences for soundtrack include all Christopher Nolan movies.

When I start that music, my brain instantly starts warming up for a writing session.

And you don’t want to waste time curating new soundtracks every single time you start writing. So I recommend taking out 5-10 minutes to curate a playlist and stick to it.

Saves a ton of time & overwhelm.

So there you have it.

4 steps to make your writing stop sucking balls.

Hope this helped you in some way.

And that’s about it for today.

I’ll see you next week.

Let me know if you have any questions.
