The *SECRET* to writing MORE by doing LESS

Hey anon.

Today, I’m going to teach you the lazy way I used (back when I started) to write 30 threads in 90 days.

[That’s 3 threads a week, if I’m right]

Anyway, it was a struggle to write threads in the beginning.

Starting with questions like “what should I write about?” to “how should I structure this thread?”, it was a backbreaker.

But soon in this 90-day sprint, I discovered a LAZY way to write threads.

And if you want to write & publish more, you’re in for a treat because this is going to be a game-changer.

Here’s the SECRET:

Schedule blocks to do only ONE thing at a time.

[You probably expected something different & complicated didn’t you?]

What do I mean by that?

Well, back when I started writing & publishing more & more, I used this principle as follows:

“Today I will write only 5 headlines for this topic”
“Today, I will write 5 hooks for this topic”
“Today, I will braindump everything I know about this topic”

Get my point?

Almost immediately, my output & quality of work 10x’d.

I didn’t have a mountain of tasks to handle when I started my writing sessions.


Instead, by breaking down the tasks involved in accomplishing the bigger task, you almost kill all the anxiety & overwhelm that comes with it.

You already know what you want to do.

You already know how you’re going to do it.

You just need to get started.

And that’s about it for today.

Speaking of threads, my course has now moved from free to paid (YAYY!) so I’d appreciate if you could spread the word on it & share it with your audience on X.

(Hey, a man’s gotta pay the bills, right?)

It’s not expensive (just $37), but if it breaks your bank, pls don’t buy it.

Click here to grab the course.

Anyway, I’ll see you next time.

Have a great weekend.