I think about this person in the shower everyday..

(and why you should too)

4 days ago, I announced that I am taking on 8 students for private coaching on all things twitter.

And since then, I’ve got literally less than 3 responses for that.


I realized what my mistake was.

I had zero patience.

I just wanted a quick buck.

In that process, I almost TRICKED my audience (& myself) into believing that I am treating them with something insanely valuable.

Happy to say, I was so wrong.

(Thanks to the number of responses I received)

See, all this while, I was thinking if I made a product and sold it to my list, they’d buy it.

But I forgot about this ONE person.

The person for whom I am building products.

The person for whom I write and publish my content.


And how do you find your fans?

By solving their problems.

By taking them through a journey of transformation from problem to solution.

And while building the course, I realized I wasn’t solving THIER problem.

I was solving MINE.

I was being selfish for monetary reasons and I’m not proud of it.

(My sincere apologies)

Since then, I am thinking about my one true fan every waking hour of my day.

  • While journaling.

  • While in my shower.

  • While taking one of my long walks.

And this wasn’t an epiphany.

I was going through Kieran Drew’s ‘High Impact Writing’ course and he had me stunned at this line:


And thank god for him, I have stopped building the course for now and I am diligently focused on finding my fans.


And I am hell bent on finding them.

So people, whatever results you’re expecting, have some patience.

I know with the recent algo changes, ‘SHARE MORE VALUE’ doesn’t cut the cake now.

Tweets that would’ve gone viral last month will hear crickets today.

To stand out from the crowd, focus on finding your ONE TRUE FAN.

Solve their problems.

Write for them.

And play the long game.

Focus on the process, and the results will follow.

And if you want to fast-track that journey, ‘High Impact Writing’ is for you.

It’s more than just about writing.

It’s about:

  • sharing stories

  • finding your one true fan

  • building a business (instead of just an audience)

  • And ofcourse, writing well so everything above gets easier.

Click here to access the course.

And that’s it for today.

I’ll see you in the next email.
