Doing this will drastically improve your writing

even if you can't write to save your life

For the past few days, I’ve been sending a ton of emails.

It kinda took me back to my early writing days when I hopped on the ship30for30 challenge.

January 4th 2022.

This was my routine back then:

  • Wake up at 5

  • Go for a walk

  • Ideate 3 ideas to write about on that walk

  • Outline one of those ideas

  • Get back from the walk and write an atomic essay.

I did this every single day for 90 DAYS.

Yea, I know it was a 30 day challenge but I started enjoying writing atomic essays.

So I kept it going.

Anyway, every single day, I made sure to write AT LEAST 400 WORDS.

No matter what happened.

If I didn’t have the time?

When I didn’t feel like doing it?
I wrote 100 words.

And I kept doing it for 90 days.

And to this day, I haven’t missed a day of writing since then.

That’s 610 days.

So, if you want to get better at writing? Here’s what you need to do:

  • Block time on the calendar

  • Have a daily word count goal (100 words minimum)

  • Do this for 90 days

Why 90 days, you ask?

It’s because it’s an ideal time-frame to measure any results, whilst ignoring all the shiny objects that come along the way, and getting extremely good at what you do.

There’s probably more to it than I know.

But I know for a fact that the 90 day challenge drastically changed the game for me.

And if you want to do the same thing, hop in to ‘High Impact Writing’.

Kieran takes you through the 90 day challenge STEP-BY-STEP and explains everything you need to do.

And if you want to run around, waste your time and don’t want to grow an audience? IGNORE.

(P.S: This is the last email I send about this course, so grab it while you can)

Click here if you’re interested.

Until next time.

Kush “90 day sprint” Shah.